Hey there! :)
It was Christmas today! :D ♥
I had a very nice day :3
But unfortunately it wasn't a white Christmas this year here.
In the morning I went to church with my dad because it's Christmas. (I told you in my previous post)
It was okay, and after that me, my mum, my dad and my brother went to eat something together.
My parents bought me a new phone, and I'm very happy with it because I really wanted it for a long time so yay I finally have it! :3
I also got a few parfumes, chocolate and a very soft blanket haha ;)
Oh and also a little blue ice cream bowl with Keep calm and eat ice cream on it :3
Later, we went to the rest of my Dutch family (I'm half Dutch so that's why I say my Dutch family haha) and we visited the new house of my uncle and aunt.
I think it's a very nice and cosy house, I really like it! :)
The whole Dutch family came there for Christmas today.
First, we talked and we walked in a forest near the house :)
The forest looked so nice! (it looks a lot like the picture that I post with this blog)
It was lovely!
When we were back again we ate together and we played a Christmas game with loads of presents :3
So everyone went home with a few presents.
So yeah I had a nice Christmas! :)
I have no plans for tomorrow so I think I'll just relax and watch a movie or whatever I want to do :P
Or maybe I'll visit a friend or a friend will visit me!
I don't know haha, I'll see it tomorrow :3
So yeah that's it! :3
I hope you all had a nice Christmas!
Love, LifeofaBrunette ♥
beautifuuuul *o*