dinsdag 23 december 2014

Almost Chistmas! :D

Hey everyone!

So I told you that a friend stayed here last night. (again)
We had much fun and we laughed a lot like always :)
We slept very late and we both woke up around 12.
Because we didn't have breakfast, we were very hungry so we went downstairs and ate something.
After that we watched a movie :)  (I really watch movies a lot!)
When the movie was over we talked a bit and she went home.
Then I was feeling kinda boring so I decided to watch the movie Ouija!
But the movie didn't work very well so I'll watch it an other day.
I really really really want to see the movie!
Even more after I saw the trailer!
So I hope that it will work better next time.
I just NEED to see it! :3
The rest of the day I watched a few YouTube videos and I listened to music :)
It's almost Christmas btw!
Can you even believe it?! Time flies!
I LOVE Christmas!
All the nice lights and decoration everywhere! :3
I seriously can't wait!
Also even a few days and it's already 2015! Wow... just wow!
Time REALLY flies!
But yeah that's it, I'm done talking for today! :P
So I'll probably see you tomorrow!

Love, LifeofaBrunette

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