zondag 28 december 2014

An ordinary but nice day :)

Hey there! ,

Today was just an ordinary day to me.
I woke up late, and a friend came here :)
We watched the football match Southampton vs Chelsea together.
We also talked and laughed a lot because we made funny recordings and pictures of ourselves :3
We had a nice time.
In the evening I watched the movie Shrek 2 with my brother.
It's one of my favourite Disney childhood movies, together with Peter Pan and The Lion King!  :3
Later I also kinda "watched" an other movie which I don't even remember the name of haha :P
I think it's called Step Brothers but yeah I'm not sure because I didn't really watch it, I was listening to music at the same time ;)
I don't really know what it's about because I was concentrating on the music I was listening but I guess that it's a nice movie :P
I'm also listening to music right now, and blogging of course! :3
Tomorrow I'll play football and in the evening I'll probably watch a movie with a few friends but it's not sure yet.
By the way, just a few days and it's already 2015!
Omg, can you even believe it?!
I can't really haha ;)
My birthday is also coming soon!
Just 2-3 weeks yay :3
It's on a monday so yay... :( and I'll have school again so yeah.. great...
But yeah whatever! :3
I hope you all had a nice day.
I'll see you on my next post!

Love, LifeofaBrunette

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