vrijdag 19 december 2014

Blog #1!

Hi everyone ♥,
I'm finally starting a blog!
I was thinking about it for a while now so welcome to my first blog :)
I'm going to post a lot of random things on here like pictures, DIY's , I'll talk about my day,  I'll talk about my experiences and loads more!

Today was my first day of the christmas holidays and I decorated the christmas tree with my brother.
It looks so nice ^_^
I also watched the movie Maleficent again, I love it!
It's one of my favorite movies :)
Angelina Jolie is such a good actress!
I'm kinda addicted to watching movies :3
I also listened to music today (I always do haha)
I really love the voice and the songs of Ariana Grande!
A while ago, me and a friend tried to buy tickets for the concert of Ariana but unfortunately we were to late and we didn't have tickets.
I would love to go to her concert but we don't have tickets :(
Tomorrow a friend will come and she'll stay here till Sunday.
We'll have a lot of fun and we'll do a lot of things :)
That's it for today!
I hope you liked reading my blog, and have a lot of fun during the holidays!
Xxx - LifeofaBrunette

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