woensdag 31 december 2014

Happy new year! ♥ 2015!

Heey everyone!  :) ♥

First I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D because it's 2015 now! (I wrote 2014 there first! haha omg)
Make it a perfect year and do the things you love to do but also try new things! ;)
Okay so today was a pretty exciting day!
I mean, a new year was coming! How exciting is that?!
But my day started quite normal, just relaxed :)
That's the way I like it :3
I was also kinda ill so I slept a bit in the afternoon.
People started very early with fireworks over here!
I guess at 10 am already! But they weren't doing very much actually.
In the afternoon I watched Harry Potter and the half blood prince.
I really LOVE the Harry Potter movies!
When the movie was over, a friend called me to ask me if I would go to a new years eve party with her.
I didn't have plans yet and I also didn't want to do nothing at new years eve, so I said yes :)
At 9 pm we went to the party together.

We talked to a lot of peopke there :)
They were so nice and kind!
At 11 pm I went outside with a few friends because they were going to do some fireworks :)
It was so cold outside my whole body was shaking!
So they were doing some fireworks and one was sooo loud!
I had a drink in my hand at that moment and I didn't expect such a loud noise so I spilled it all over the grass outside haha :3
At 11.59 pm we were all counting down together and we wished each other a happy new year!
Also, me and a friend have a little tradition because when we count down to 0 we drink a glass of wine :P
We started that tradition when we were little (we are always together at new years eve) because we would be the first children who drunk alcohol in the new year! Haha ;)
So everyone went outside to see the fireworks :)
The fireworks were beautiful but also very loud haha
One of the guys who did the fireworks was not very good with them and he threw it near us and it was very loud and big!
Everyone who stood there  (me and some friends) kinda panicked because it was way to close!
After the loud noise I couldn't hear anything and after a minute I heard a high annoying sound.
It's gone now but I still have a headache.
After that, me and my friends took some pics and we filmed the fireworks.
Everyone was going inside again to dance.
We had a lot of fun and we had a great time!
I'm glad I went there :3
So, as I said in the begin of this post, happy new year! :D
I hope you all had a great time and a great year!  ♥
Make this year even better!  :3

Love,  LifeofaBrunette ♥ 

maandag 29 december 2014

We're insane, don't judge! : 3

Hi there! :) ,

Today was a CRAZY day but it started kinda normal.
At half past 12 I had to play football with different teams!
We were all mixed up, but I was in a team with a few friends so that was good :)
We all had to play 4 matches + the final and every match was like 10 minutes, but the final was 15 minutes.
It's was kinda nice :3
When I went home I talked to my bestie on WhatsApp,  and we always have the crazy convos but today it was like INSANE!
We called it INSANE x7382828372727283U27 because it was really really REALLY INSANE.
We had to laugh about that ( again!! ) because I accidently wrote "U" in it!
Maybe it doesn't sound that funny but at that moment it really was! ;)
So there's an emoji without a mouth on WhatsApp and we were both like "Aww poor emoji it can't eat, talk laugh and sing! " 

So Evita asked me how we are going to call it because it didn't have a name!
I asked her if it was a boy or a girl, she didn't know so we decided that it was a boy! ( Yes we're insane I already told you! ;) )
I didn't know a nice name so Evita said something like: "Ted? Bob?"
We didn't know which name to choose so I said "What about Ted-Bob?" So we called him Ted-Bob! Hahaha :D
We were also talking about our pets and we had to laugh because Evita's bunny sneezes very loud so I told her that my guinea pig also sneezed, quite often.
Yes, not even a minute later he sneezed! :D
Like omg what a coincidence!!
So we laughed even more hahaha :3
Later I was talking to her and I was listening music on Spotify.
I was just listening to Ariana Grande ( yes I'm an Arianator )  and suddenly weird French music came on and it was about pinguins!

Like omg?!
I told Evita and we laughed together like we always do!
But especially today!!
But that's it for today! don't judge! :D 

Check out Evita's blog!


Love, LifeofaBrunette

zondag 28 december 2014

An ordinary but nice day :)

Hey there! ,

Today was just an ordinary day to me.
I woke up late, and a friend came here :)
We watched the football match Southampton vs Chelsea together.
We also talked and laughed a lot because we made funny recordings and pictures of ourselves :3
We had a nice time.
In the evening I watched the movie Shrek 2 with my brother.
It's one of my favourite Disney childhood movies, together with Peter Pan and The Lion King!  :3
Later I also kinda "watched" an other movie which I don't even remember the name of haha :P
I think it's called Step Brothers but yeah I'm not sure because I didn't really watch it, I was listening to music at the same time ;)
I don't really know what it's about because I was concentrating on the music I was listening but I guess that it's a nice movie :P
I'm also listening to music right now, and blogging of course! :3
Tomorrow I'll play football and in the evening I'll probably watch a movie with a few friends but it's not sure yet.
By the way, just a few days and it's already 2015!
Omg, can you even believe it?!
I can't really haha ;)
My birthday is also coming soon!
Just 2-3 weeks yay :3
It's on a monday so yay... :( and I'll have school again so yeah.. great...
But yeah whatever! :3
I hope you all had a nice day.
I'll see you on my next post!

Love, LifeofaBrunette

Yesterday :)

Hey everyone! ♥

Yesterday was an amazing day!
I went with my parents, my aunt, uncle and a friend to the Dutch Beeld en Geluid museum. (Screen and Sound museum)
It's so cool there!You get a ring as soon as you get in and we had to scan it when we were doing things like dancing or making the news because they would save the result or save the recording and send it to your email

People were going to dance and me and a friend did the special effects and it was great!

It's not really a museum actually,  you can do a lot of things there but they call it a museum ;)
We all had a lot of fun there!
Later we went to eat something together because.. well we were hungry haha :3
There was also a nice little shop were we could buy things.
Later, we went to Het Top2000 café, it's like a music program so yeah we also went on tv :3           

It's a cafe,  and they're playing music and talking about the music and you could also order a drink with a brownie or cupcake or whatever you want :3
So we also ordered a drink and I had a brownie with it!
When we were done there, we went back to the museum again.
The museum and the "tv program cafe" are next to each other so that was kinda cool because we didn't have to walk or drive much.
At the museum we did something very funny,  we had to stand after a screen and there was a clock counting from 10 to 0, and when the clock was on 0 the screen would go away and you had to walk a bit and you would hear "This is your tv host for today!" all lights would go on and all people would clap!
It was recorded and sent to my email so I could watch it at home again haha :3
When it was 6 o'clock we had to go the tv program again and we were done at half past 7.
At the end of the day we went to McDonald's and we went home.
At home I felt very tired and a bit ill so I went to sleep.
So yeah, that's yesterday!
It was a great day :)

Love, LifeofaBrunette

donderdag 25 december 2014

Christmas! ♥

Hey there!  :)

It was Christmas today! :D ♥
I had a very nice day :3
But unfortunately it wasn't a white Christmas this year here.
In the morning I went to church with my dad because it's Christmas. (I told you in my previous post)
It was okay, and after that me, my mum, my dad and my brother went to eat something together.
My parents bought me a new phone, and I'm very happy with it because I really wanted it for a long time so yay I finally have it! :3
I also got a few parfumes, chocolate and a very soft blanket haha ;)
Oh and also a little blue ice cream bowl with Keep calm and eat ice cream on it :3
Later, we went to the rest of my Dutch family (I'm half Dutch so that's why I say my Dutch family haha) and we visited the new house of my uncle and aunt. 
I think it's a very nice and cosy house, I really like it! :)
The whole Dutch family came there for Christmas today.
First, we talked and we walked in a forest near the house :)
The forest looked so nice! (it looks a lot like the picture that I post with this blog)
It was lovely!
When we were back again we ate together and we played a Christmas game with loads of presents :3
So everyone went home with a few presents.
So yeah I had a nice Christmas! :)
I have no plans for tomorrow so I think I'll just relax and watch a movie or whatever I want to do :P
Or maybe I'll visit a friend or a friend will visit me!
I don't know haha, I'll see it tomorrow :3
So yeah that's it! :3
I hope you all had a nice Christmas!

Love, LifeofaBrunette ♥

woensdag 24 december 2014

Christmas eve!

Hi everyone ♥,

Okay so today I woke up very late and I did nothing, except for listening to music and watching tv :3
In the evening I would go to church with my mum, dad and brother.
But yeah.. we had a big fight and they decided to let me home while they were going to church.
It's not that I really really really wanted to go to church but it's just stupid that they let me all alone at home at Christmas eve.
So I was kinda mad and sad about that.
Later, when they came home they told me that they were going to some friends of them. ( parents of one of my friends )
So I also wanted to come so I could spend my Christmas eve at their house :) 
My parents started to be mad at me again because I wasn't ready to go. The reason that I wasn't ready was because I didn't know that we were going there, they saud they told me but they didn't.
But yeah whatever.. I thought I would just ignore them because they always do that to me.
But I went to their house and I had a great time! :)
I laughed a lot with my friend and her little brother!
We also watched the movie Skyfall :3
I've seen it like 3 times now :P but it's just a very good movie!
I also have it here at home so yeah that explains a lot ;)
I thought it was going to be an awful Christmas eve, but it wasn't really.
At the begin it was!
Later it was way better :)
My dad told me that I've to go to church tomorrow morning with him but I don't know what to think about that so I'll just go.
That's my story for today about my Christmas eve ;)
I'll see you tomorrow again!
Oh and by the way, merry Christmas! ♥

Love, LifeofaBrunette

dinsdag 23 december 2014

Almost Chistmas! :D

Hey everyone!

So I told you that a friend stayed here last night. (again)
We had much fun and we laughed a lot like always :)
We slept very late and we both woke up around 12.
Because we didn't have breakfast, we were very hungry so we went downstairs and ate something.
After that we watched a movie :)  (I really watch movies a lot!)
When the movie was over we talked a bit and she went home.
Then I was feeling kinda boring so I decided to watch the movie Ouija!
But the movie didn't work very well so I'll watch it an other day.
I really really really want to see the movie!
Even more after I saw the trailer!
So I hope that it will work better next time.
I just NEED to see it! :3
The rest of the day I watched a few YouTube videos and I listened to music :)
It's almost Christmas btw!
Can you even believe it?! Time flies!
I LOVE Christmas!
All the nice lights and decoration everywhere! :3
I seriously can't wait!
Also even a few days and it's already 2015! Wow... just wow!
Time REALLY flies!
But yeah that's it, I'm done talking for today! :P
So I'll probably see you tomorrow!

Love, LifeofaBrunette

maandag 22 december 2014


Hi there! ♥

Today a friend came here again and as I said in my previous post we were going to bake brownies together today.
And yes we did!
They were delicious haha :3
I'll post a picture of them at this post so you can see how delicious they look ;)
But we already ate a few haha lol :P
We talked about a lot of things, but we always do that ;)
I can talk about everything with her,  I can even tell her my deepest secrets and she can also tell me hers.
It's really nice to have a friend like that ♡
She'll help me if I have problems and I will help her too.
She's going to stay here tonight again. :)
Tomorrow morning we'll probably watch movie, or a few movies.
Because she brought some movies with her so we could watch it :3
So yeah, that's what we did today :)
See you on my next post!

Love, LifeofaBrunette ♥

zondag 21 december 2014

Another nice day :) ♥

Hi everyone! ♥

Last night I had so much fun with my bestie Evita ( check out her blog!  EvitaPie.blogspot.gr  ♥ )
Also with her cousin and an other friend!
We were sending a lot of crazy and weird videos to each other on Skype!
It was so funny! :3
In the morning, me and my friend had to wake up kinda early because she had to go, but later she came back because she forgot some of her stuff.
In the afternoon I went with my brother and my parents to a cafe because a friend had to play there with his band :)
The band had announced their new album so there were a lot of people coming to see ( and hear ) them.
So we bought the album and it's very nice!
I also talked to the band members again because I haven't seen them for a while.
The cafe was very nice and cosy, with a lot of candles and little chirstmas trees!
There was a lot of decoration and I loved it :3
When I was small I went a lot to that café so it was nice to be there again after a long time :)
We also met a lot of friends there again.
First I didn't want to go but it was actually very nice there so I'm glad I went there.
All the childhood memories came back again haha :P
Tomorrow I'm going to bake the brownies , which I was going to bake today.. but whatever haha  ;)
I'm going to bake them with a friend and we also are going to see some movies together :)
So that's it for today!

Love, LifeofaBrunette ♥

zaterdag 20 december 2014

Typical Winter Day :)

Hi everyone! ♥

It was a typical winter day for me, as you could read in the title.
Except that there was no snow outside haha, in stead of snow it was raining almost all day long! >_<
I woke up kinda late and I started my day very relaxed :)
In my previous post I told you that a friend would come here today so she came here in the afternoon at 3 o'clock.
She'll leave tomorrow morning so that means that she'll stay here tonight!
We had a lot of fun today!
We watched the final of The Voice Of Holland and a girl band called O'G3NE won.
I think they're very talented and I love their voices so much! :)
After that we made a lot of crazy videos together and a lot of weird pictures :P
We always do the most weird, funny and crazy things together!
We also ate typical Dutch food, we call them "oliebollen"  haha ;)
I love them so much!
I'll post a picture of the "oliebollen" so you can see what they look like! :3
They're delicious! ♡
It's Dutch tradition to eat them around Christmas/ New Year time :)
My friend and I are both blogging right now because she also made a blog, and we're listening music together.
Tomorrow I'll probably bake brownies :3
I'll post a picture of them when they're done!
Okay so that's it for today ;)
See you on my next post!

Kisses, LifeofaBrunette ♥

vrijdag 19 december 2014

Blog #1!

Hi everyone ♥,
I'm finally starting a blog!
I was thinking about it for a while now so welcome to my first blog :)
I'm going to post a lot of random things on here like pictures, DIY's , I'll talk about my day,  I'll talk about my experiences and loads more!

Today was my first day of the christmas holidays and I decorated the christmas tree with my brother.
It looks so nice ^_^
I also watched the movie Maleficent again, I love it!
It's one of my favorite movies :)
Angelina Jolie is such a good actress!
I'm kinda addicted to watching movies :3
I also listened to music today (I always do haha)
I really love the voice and the songs of Ariana Grande!
A while ago, me and a friend tried to buy tickets for the concert of Ariana but unfortunately we were to late and we didn't have tickets.
I would love to go to her concert but we don't have tickets :(
Tomorrow a friend will come and she'll stay here till Sunday.
We'll have a lot of fun and we'll do a lot of things :)
That's it for today!
I hope you liked reading my blog, and have a lot of fun during the holidays!
Xxx - LifeofaBrunette