Hey loves! :)
Today was an exhausting day!
I had to wake up at 6 bc I wanted to shower before I went to school.
The first 2 hours I had gym and I was so tired after that and it was only the first 2 hours..
Around 12 me and Shannah had to bring Sarah to her home because she was feeling very sick.
But we had to be quick because Shannah and me had to be at school around 12.50 and Sarah lives far away from school.
We had to be at school at that time because we were going to an other school with a lot of different classes from our school.
We were going with a bus so it wasn't a good idea to become late :P
So Shannah and me were at school at 12.45 but we didn't know what to do or where to go.
We were looking for some friends who are in the same class as us.
Shannah and me were totally stressed out because we couldn't find anyone so we thought that the bus was already gone without us!
Later we found some friends and they told us that the bus would go at 13.35 so we didn't have to be quick actually!
But later Shannah and me had to find a teacher because he had our papers for the school! ( were we had to go in the other school )
We were totally stressed out again because we couldn't find him and we needed those papers!
We searched everywhere at school for him and finally we found him!
So we asked for the papers and he told us that the papers were still in his car and that he would give them to us in the bus..
We were like omg are you serious?! I mean we searched everywhere for him but he had the papers in his car..
We were going to the other school because of the future about jobs and stuff like that!
I looked at my paper and I totally freaked out because I had other times than my friends had!
I was so scared for going alone in the other school were I don't know anyone and I really didn't want to be or sit alone.
A few of my friends brought me to the room were I had to be and I walked in the room and a girl said "You can sit next to me if you want."
I was so happy because I know who she is and she is also on the same school as I am! (Different schools were going there)
We talked a bit and after we were done there and she asked me were I had to go next so I grabbed my paper and I told ther that I had to be in room 111 and she said: "Really? Me too!" So I was very happy because I wouldn't be all alone the whole time! :)
She told me that she was also very scared to be alone. Just like me!
But yeah we had a nice time there!
When the bus brought us all back to school it was 3.55 so when I was finally home it was 4.30.
So that was my adventure of today!
I hope you liked reading it! :3
See you on my next post!
Love, LifeofaBrunette ♥
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