zondag 4 januari 2015

About the weekend!

Hey there! :) ,

I haven't blog for 2 days but I was kinda sick and I couldn't find the right time to make a new post.
So I make a new one now about my weekend!
Okay so in the evening at Friday I went to my sportclub because there was a girls night for all the girls football teams :)
Nobody knew what we were going to do and nobody knew what we were supposed to expect.
The most of the girls just went there, just like me :3
First we were just talking and having fun and when we started,  a man came to tell us more about football. (Which is pretty weird because we are all playing football but okay)
After that some people were making teams for a quiz, just a few people weren't in a team.
Me and a friend were one of those people... of course! ;)
So we could choose in which team we wanted.
I was in a team called the peacocks so we had to make a sound of an peacock when we knew the answer :P
All the teams were animals! Like the dogs, the cows, the horses, the cats and a few more.
At the end we were in 2nd place :)
That was my Friday evening, and now about yesterday a.k.a. Saturday :3
In the morning I had to clean my room :( but later a friend came here :)
We were busy with a present for Evita ;)
But we didn't have enough time to bring it to the postoffice because it was already closed.
So we'll do that an other day :)
In the evening I watched a Chistmas movie... I guess I'm a bit late with that but it was a nice movie :D
Today I have to make my homework because the Chistmas break will be over tomorrow :(
I really really really don't want to go.. I hate school.
Everybody is like "Yeah I hate school so much" and all these things but I mean I really really really hate it!
I guess school isn't for everybody...
But yeah that's it for today!  :)
I hope you all had a great time during Christmas break!
And good luck at school! ;)

Love, LifeofaBrunette ♥

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