woensdag 28 januari 2015

Being a vegetarier! ♥

Hey guys!

So I haven't made a post for a few days now, because nothing happened,
Like really nothing! And I was very busy with school.. as always.
Because of school I don't have time to do the things that I enjoy to do!
But yeah.. I  can't do anything about it.
So unfortunately I don't have anything interesting to tell about my day.
But I really wanted to make a post again so I came up with an idea!
I've decided to become a vegetarier since the beginning of 2015!
So I thought, let me tell you about this!
Okay so I was thinking about it for a while and I really wanted to become a vegetarier but I thought it was very hard for me to do.
When it was a few days before 2015 I heard everyone talking about their "new year goals" and I was still thinking about becoming a vegetarier!
At the last day of 2014 I finally decided!
I wouldn't eat meat and fish anymore! :)
I mean, if I really couldn't handle it I could always just "give up" right?
It's my own decision so yeah! :3
When school started again I told my best school friends and they were like " Yeah that's a great idea!" And "That's so cool!" And things like that! :)
But as soon as I told some other friends from school, I got some stupid and kinda "hate" reactions..
That it would be very bad for me and things like that..
I mean, my best school friends were very nice about it but they weren't.
But I don't care about their reactions!
It's my choice! Not theirs..
But yeah whatever :)
It's almost February now and being a vegetarier is going pretty good so far! :3
I'm actually kinda proud of it!
And I'm even enjoying it! ;)
But not everyone things the way I do about eating meat and I respect that! It's everyone's own choice! :)
But that's it for today!
I hope you liked reading my blog and that you respect me, being a vegetarier :) just like my best school friends do!
And if you don't respect me.. whatever. ;)
See you on my next post!

Love, LifeofaBrunette ♥

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